Welcome to Countryside RVing

Dare to Dream… Live for now


Don't Settle for Ordinary

Welcome to Countryside RVing. We are Jeremy and Kendra. Jeremy has been active duty U.S. Coast Guard for 16 years. After spending the first 11 years only traveling to see family, we decided we needed a change. We needed an adventure but more importantly we needed to show our kids all the unique things about our country. We have lived in some amazing places and haven't taken the opportunity to explore the area. That is no more!

We started out traveling and staying in hotels and in 2020 bought our first RV. Traveling on weekends to hotels seemed daunting but buying an RV wasn't an easy task either. After hours, days, weeks of research about RVing, we decided it would be the best vehicle to get us to where we wanted to go with our little family. We have decided to bring you along for the adventure!

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    “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.”

    — Mark Twain